In my writing class at grad school I have been working on a piece called Items Log. Following its completion I had to write a 'process narrative' explaining the changes to the piece as it evolved through the revision process. I enjoyed writing both so much that I decided to post them in this journal entry. First is the Items Log then the Process Narrative. The most important parts to read are the work itself and the final paragraph in the Process Narrative. Enjoy.
Items Log
7:10 am - Label-less lip balm
7:36 am - Final chapter of Water for Elephants
7:45 am - Sausage, egg and cheese on a plain bagel
7:46 am - Memory of a smile (hopefully)
8:35 am - Apple-cinnamon muffin wrapper
8:45 am - Moist chocolate crumbs
9:38 am - Bits of red paper
10:38 am - Bits of red paper
11:20 am - Dirty dishes and a condensation ring
11:55 am - Unprinted eighth grade homework handouts
12:15 pm - Boiled kettle water on the stove and a Swiss Miss Classics Wrapper
1:15 pm - More crumbs; colder this time
1:16 pm - Dark teacher-teacher joke
1:20 pm - Final chapter of Water for Elephants
2:08 pm - Page 573, #21
2:25 pm - Greasy chocolate paper towels
4:30 pm - Drops beneath the spigot
4:35 pm - A bubbly sink
4:45 pm - More dirty dishes and indigestion
4:53 pm - Buzzing hot printer
5:45 pm - Lines of green highlighter
6:01 pm - Identification Card
6:08 pm - A regard for personal safety
6:08 ½ pm - Judgmental looks from strangers
6:35 pm - Pride in my own responsibility
6:55 pm - Time
8:53 pm - Elevator conversation and a possible chance to make new friends
8:57 pm - A closing door
9:07 pm - Phone call home to mom or dad
9:55 pm - Dirty clothes in hamper
10:25 pm - The day’s dirt; down the drain
10:35 pm - Dental floss
11:08 pm - A prayer for tomorrow
Ok... so the Process Narrative is not copying and pasting well, so here it is as a link. Hopefully it works.