Mar 17, 2011 22:25
Just about 20 minutes ago I tried to write an entry but just like I've struggled over the past couple months, I couldn't find a place to start from. Thank you Adele for waking me up. I got it mostly from 'Don't You Remember' but in part from watching most of her clips from her performances at the Tabernacle. She has such ease and control over her powerfully gentle voice... it's just raw talent. I love her music.
This is not the first time I've confessed my love for Adele though, nor am I the first person to do this (as you can see from how many views she has on youtube.) I'm surprised lately how much small inspiration restores my sense of self. I love these moments of heightened excitement about something.
That excitement has helped me to change my mind about making all of my journal entries "private." I did it mostly to clear a path. I needed to give myself the opportunity to completely shut out certain mediums of social networking. I feel excellent about the choices I made, ultimately. I'm very optimistic lately, which is great. I mean, genuinely optimistic. Sunday blues are a lot, lot, lot less BLUE :) In fact the Sunday of my birthday was awesome! Even though I was hung over and had a busy week ahead and I was coming off of a week-long break. It was perfect.
I also just got back from Sprout Creek Farm where I wonderful thing happened. A piece of me I hadn't shared with my students yet came out. They begged me to tell them a scary story so finally on the second night I agreed. I told them the Golden Arm story that my dad used to tell around the campfire when we were growing up. It made me feel like an adult to have all these kids completely engrossed in the story. Castro said, "I'm crying" in a half serious voice, lol, to which I smiled about inside, haha. They all had fun with it. I grabbed Ralphy at the end and the room exploded with screams and kids jumped on the beds next to them. They squirmed and whimpered and laughed for a couple of minutes until I quieted them down again. So many said they'd never be able to go to sleep... CRAP. I didn't think about them going to bed after the scary story.... so I told them that I'd tell them another one, only a happy story... haha.
I told them a story that turned into the story 'On Golden Pond' which is one of my favorite movies of all time. It was cute. About 2 kids stayed awake for the whole thing and everyone else passed ouuuuut! haha. So it was a great night; fun bonding time with the kiddies :)
I think that'll be it for tonight. I'm glad I'm writing publicly again. It feels good. I know that nobody really seeks it out or reads it besides me but there's something a little freeing about it. Just to know it's available... ya know?
So here's to more inspiration in the near future. Paul and I are going to see Dash Berlin this weekend at Webster Hall so I'm super excited :) It will be hours and hours of dancing which means fun, crazyness and a hell of a workout! :)
Jer b.