I tend to forget about this journal... I need to stop doing that.
Anyway, and update.
As of right now, I have my basic impressions complete. As of right now im only doing one event a year (At the Indy air show). I am hoping in the future to expand it. Theres an event up at old Ft Wayne that looks really interesting (and I wont be the only ancient one there- hurrah), plus I have received wind of an event up in Michigan in 2010 im hoping to be able to attend. Hell, by then I might have a full aspis as well instead of the ones I have now which are... ok, but not the best.
On other news, I am coming into posession of one of the reproduction Troy Boeotian shields.... They look like this-
http://www.historicalweapons.com/shieldoftroy.gif The shape and size isnt bad, and it actually seems to be rather sizable, something which I cant say for the 300 shields I made my others from. It'll take a lot of work, since I have to pull off the crappy leatherwork, but Im pretty sure I can make it work. It means ill have to expand my impression. I dont know exactly what Ill be doing, im in the middle of researching it (well actually asking for help finding sources to study) about it, but ill have to either use it with no armor or my Lino since I dont have the cash to comisson a proper bell cuirass. That pretty much leaves me c500BC, which shouldnt be too bad, since they were still in use at that point.
Iv actually (hopefully) got a source for a good regular aspis as well. Im really excited about the prospect of getting one that is the proper weoght and size. As of right now im actually leaning toward an emblem I saw in a link on RAT for the Syracuse mercenaries. Its not Spartan, but to be honest, theres a lot of guys out there who can do Spartan a hell of a lot better than myself, and I think something more unusual would be interesting to study and research. Althought thats still in the future.
I'm also thinking about adding to my Corinthian. Im rather partial to the use of bulls horns and ears, and I think its something really underrepresented in the community. As of right now im not sure if I will just add to the one I have or pick up a new one and start from scratch. What id really like to do is make a double crest 'horn' setup and add ears, much like the Achilles figure on RAT, but im not sure about the authenticity. Again, more research is needed. At the very least, I picked up a nice pair of horns from a dealer awhile back and I would like to add them to my current one, at least. I need to work on attachment methods first. The last thing I want to do is screw up my current helmet by being too impatient to do the research.