ease on down ease on down ease on down the road...

Aug 31, 2005 17:41

hello.. or should i say rooooaaaaarrrrr

yes.. thats right, lyssa kaufman got casted as the flippin lion in the play the wiz.. a suppsedly urban spinoff of wizard of oz, however the cast is primarily white... lol.. but yea.. evilene went to some girl who i guess really did deserve it.. she had the pipes for that one song.. and its not that i dont, but shes all gospel and she really is just perfect for the part. so i couldnt hate. but i just felt bad that rasiel wanted to be the lion, and i was the last person he was expecting to lose that part to. but anyway....

school is gettin out of hand.. i have no clue what im doing in physics right now.. im sooo lost.. its crazy.. ive never felt this way in a class before, well maybe in statistics.. but.. hell.. its statistics.. lol. but yea.. obviously acting and leadership are fine, but ap english is just sooo much work. i mean we've been in school for almost a month and we're already on our 4th book!! i usually dont read 4 books in two years!! lol.. no joke. but i mean i know its good for me and everything, but i just get so behind so fast. and i hate constantly playing catch up. the whole vma weekend really threw me off, but i mean .. hello.. the vmas?? it was definitely worth it. people are still telling me that they saw me on tv. some random ppl i dont even know are telling me this. lol. but yea.. ahhh im just so stressed.. i gotta work on my application for uf.. got one section done.. but thats just the part about ur name address phone number etc... lol.. but hey, one is better than none rite?? lol..

omg.. today on the drive home from school, rasiel and bryan and i were driving home w/e.. and we drop bryan off, and me and rasiel are about to leave, and bryan goes .. floor it.. and im like.. uhh ok.. and rasiel like speeds off and i turn around for some reason and my friggin backpack is on the trunk.. and rasiel would not slow down to save my life.. and then he turned to go out of the neighborhood and of course, you guessed it, my backpack goes flying off the trunk.. he thought it was absolutely hilarious.. yes let me tell you.. ha ha ha. lol.. no it was pretty funny tho. i have to admit.

alrite well imma bout to go get somethin 2 eat.. so ill ttyl.. xoxo luv ya

p.s.- shout out to stephanie, jon, and matt for their accident. im sry guys.. good luck and take care.. :( .. hope everything will be fine...

cast list for the wiz:

Dorothy: Stephanie Gomez (awesome)

The Wiz: Tory Curtis (amazing)

The Scarecrow: Mandi Williams (cool)


The Tinman: Bryan Arriete (no words.. lol)

Evilene: Aisha Darius (perfect)

Addepearle: Jackie Karim (my grl!!)

Toto: Leon Melnicoff (hilarious)

Winged Monkey Messenger (lol): Rasiel Garcia (speaks for itself..lol)

should be an amazing show guys!!!

The Wiz is on October 12, 14, & 15
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