
Apr 15, 2014 20:52

Oh geez. I don't use this.  I'm all Facebook now.  But whenever I am pregnant, I come back and reread my entries and compare and contrast. I am currently 14w4d with baby #3. This pregnancy has been... Challenging.  It was unplanned, but we were super excited.  I had hoped to lose some more weight and get healthier before another pregnancy, but we were both pretty sure we wanted another. I had just spent several hundred dollars on a treadmill and fitness equipment and good running shoes...  HaHa

So in the spirit of documenting, we'll talk numbers.  My current OB is the same one from Oliver and he is amazing. I got a positive test and they got me in for labs same day due to my history of miscarriage and low progesterone.  Then we repeated labs every 48 hours.  Here are #3s numbers, and I dug up my numbers for Hazel and Oliver (from LJ archives!) for comparison:

Hazel due June 19, 2010 (born 6/23/10)
12dpo- 23, prog 11-12
16dpo- 183, prog 16.9
23dpo- 4330, prog 9.6
6w3d <3 122bpm
7w2d <3 140bpm
Oliver due April 1, 2012 (born 4/5/12)
9dpo- 5, prog 4.2
11dpo- 24, prog 16.4
15dpo- 284, prog 16.9
22dpo- 6158, prog 18
8w4d <3 174bpm
Baby 3 due October 10, 2014
12dpo- 28, prog 9.8
14dpo- 97.2, prog 21.8
21dpo- 3100, prog 19.7
6w3d <3 125bpm
8w3d <3 174bpm

We did ultrasounds at 6 and 8 weeks to check for heartbeat and found it :). Shortly after I jumped on the morning sickness train and even actually vomited a few times, which I usually don't.  At 10 weeks, I was a bridesmaid in a friends wedding and ended up SO SICK.  I thought it was a terrible cold turned sinus infection and urgent care gave me antibiotics.  About 6 days later, I had the most horrific cough I have ever experienced.  Near constant debilitating, unable to breathe, gagging, puking cough. Went back to urgent care and they said it sounds like pertussis and have me a different antibiotic and inhaler.  It started to improve within 4-5 days and I am still to this day randomly coughing, but not like that cough. I've never experienced that and hope never to again.  I'm in the middle of an insurance nightmare (Thad lost his job and I have prenatal Medicaid and its been horrific to get all that worked out), so follow ups with doctors have been just terrible.  The big saving grace here is that my nausea was almost nonexistent during this sickness.  I steadily lost weight from illness and lack of appetite, but not nausea.

Fast forward to 13 weeks.  Still very limited nausea (maybe an hour or two late morning), but suddenly I was having chest pains and shortness of breath. Went to the ER because it was really hurting and my blood pressure was doing weird things and I was very easily winded even just walking to the bathroom.  They did a CT scan of my chest suspecting a clot in my lungs. Found none, sent me home.  The next day it was worse, so I returned to the ER.  I spent basically my entire day in a chair in the hall. My vitals were okay and they were busy so they left me.  Finally they asked me to take a short walk to get my vitals while walking.  My oxygenation dropped to 71% and my blood pressure rocketed to 167/98. They admitted me to the hospital and decided to do further testing for clots.

They found one clot in my leg behind my left knee and the chest CT was inconclusive, but they decided that it was shedding to my lungs causing my respiratory distress.  The chest pain they determined was pericarditis from my recent respiratory infection and treated with prednisone. For the clots, they immediately started a very high dose of lovenox injections right into my belly. That, my friend, is super good times.  The next day, suddenly I started having episodes of tachycardia, which is common for me in pregnancy, but never this early and hadn't happened yet. I would wake up from sleep with my heart at 150+ Bpm. Cardiology was called in.  Echocardiogram and loads if EKGs came back normal every time.  Put me on betablockers to manage my heart rate and help my climbing blood pressure. The next day, my heart rate plummeted into the 50s. I felt horrific.  Lethargic and weak and miserable.  They halved my dose and my heart rate is still low for me (upper 60s-low 70s), but much better than low 50s. I was still losing oxygen when ambulatory for no apparent reason.

Released from the hospital 6 days later with a prescription for metoprolol 12.5mg 2x day and 120mg lovenox injections 2x day. They prescribed home oxygen for my respiratory distress, which has still yet to come through thanks yet again to my insurance disaster. I feel better today, though, and think I may be able to recover before they even get their shit together. They're fighting the lovenox too because its so expensive, particularly at my dosage. It's $4000 a month, apparently.  So that sucks. Sorry insurance, I really do need it- I'm not just injecting myself for fun.  You should see my belly- it's a filthy mess after only one week.

The next cool part of my story is where when I was in the hospital, they couldn't find baby's heartbeat on the Doppler and sent in sono to confirm.  Baby was indeed fine with heartrate around 154bpm (and so active!!), but on Friday before I left, the sono found a bleed in my placenta. Per my discharge orders, I was to follow up with my OB as soon as possible, particularly due to my lovenox. Saw my OB first thing Monday morning.  He was pretty ticked that no one kept him up to date on anything going on over there. He said that I'm out of his expertise now and that I do need to see a perinatologist. He was unable to confirm if I had a bleed or placental lake. Said I would be induced around 39 weeks so that I could go off lovenox 24 hours prior.

Met the new perinatologist today. He did a high level ultrasound and baby is still growing on track with strong heartbeat, but could not verify the bleed or lake. He has it noted as a possible partial abruption.  Unless I start bleeding, we're going to move forward as if it is harmless and keep a close watch on it with regular ultrasounds. I'll alternate every 2 weeks with him and then my OB and then I will see him weekly starting at 32 weeks.  He said that with my several high risk factors (DVT, high BP, tachycardia, lovenox) that he will not let me go past 38 weeks.  He also seemed baffled by my tachycardia. He said that there is no medical reason why the electrical system of my heart should go to shit every time I am pregnant. Oh just give it a few weeks, Dr Singh, and my heart will BLOW YOUR MIND.  So that one had him a bit baffled.

And we're up to date. I'm nervous about losing 3 weeks of my pregnancy. Both Hazel and Oliver were induced at 41w for high blood pressure, so I expected this one to follow.  Instead this one is going to put me through the ringer!  Currently, we are both stable, though, so lets be happy about that. And hope it continues.
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