Nov 23, 2005 20:49
I've got some of my Thanksgiving dinner prep done and so far so good!
My homemade cranberry sauce is even better than last year's. I added a bit more to it. The filling for the pumpkin cheesecake was yummy so I'm hoping the cheesecake itself will be that good. I experimented with the deviled eggs and they came out pretty good, especially considering I just made it up as I went along. Now I'm making raspberry cream cheeseballs. And that oughta do it for tonight's cooking.
The kids spent the night at my mom's. They'll be over in the morning. JP might have some family issues going on, he was waiting to found out about something, so I don't know yet if he'll be here for dinner.
All in all, I'm predicting a very good turkey day!
Now if I just had someone here to come do these damn dishes.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!