Sep 01, 2007 22:26
We(Sharon jie, Tim kor, Sherry jie, Kheng Ho and I) brought Cruz out to Sentosa today!
Yeah it was fun but tiring.
The hardest part was squeezing into the car.
Cruz, thankfully, has some experience in cars because we used to drive him to training.
But after a period of time in the car, he gets restless and sometimes bark, which echoes inside the tiny car, making it super loud.
But he didn't today, which is good but he was jumping all over the chair.
Anyway, we got to Tanjong Beach and searched for a dog free spot so Cruz wouldn't go crazy.
There was another Golden there, 3 years and male too.
Thye smelled each other and were okay for a while but then they started to get a little jumpy so we went off.
After we got a spot, my cousin went to walk Cruz along the water, seeing if he dared to swim, which is allowed.
That's the main purpose of going there too anyway.
Well he did go into the water but only uptil his shoulders, then he came back up.
Maybe he's not so sure about swimming yet but he did like the water.
Anyway it started raining to we went under the tent for shelter and came out again after it stopped.
Walked in the water for a little while more before going to find a shower to bathed Cruz.
He was totally enjoy himself while we shampooed him and washed him.
Like a King, of drool maybe.
Right, after bathing Cruz, we went to have some food while waiting for him to dry.
Many people were staring at him, like they've never seen a dog with a bunch of kids.
Anyway, we went back after eating.
In the car, Cruz was sooo tired that he was practically dozing off.
He had no choice but to sit and lean against the front seat because there was no space.
He ended up shifting positions a couple of times and attempted sleeping in various awkward positions.
I realised that Cruz is actually pretty much still young.
He's like 1 but in human terms, he's only like 15 or something.
Still a kid, still misbehaving and wild.
I guess he'll calm down after a while, like our ex-neighbours' Lab, Charlie, who is like 4 years old and really calm.
He is like Cruz's only friend and Cruz respects only him.
Weird since Cruz's really a proud dog and wants to be the alpha male by challanging every other male dogs.
Anyway, pictures will be posted up another time, when the pictures are loaded into the computer.