Jul 26, 2012 17:26
What I did today in the office:
Reached the office around 950am cos I overslept and missed my stop at Far East.
Sat in front of my laptop, checked my email like 10 times, then dozed off a little (lol).
Colleague came and asked if I wanted to help video the event tomorrow, I said okay. She told me we were going to recce the spot at Raffles Place in the afternoon.
While waiting to leave, I dozed off a little more, and checked my email again.
Left around 12pm.
Walked around the place under the burning hot sun (just when I wore my denim shirt instead of my usual t-shirts).
Went to Plaza Sing to collect GV vouchers for the event, went to Carrefour to buy bottled water.
Came back to the office.
Made myself a cup of coffee (used the espresso machine for the first time whoop!) and ate my bread that was supposed to be my breakfast heh.
Tumblr-ed, googled stuff, downloaded a lot of random fonts, organised my photoshop textures folder.
Wrote in the farewell card for the other intern who is leaving today.
Instagrammed a couple of photos (coffee and the organic apple my colleague gave me).
Made myself a cup of Earl Grey tea.
Played around on photoshop.
Wrote this post.
Eventful day is eventful.
Some days I have absolutely nothing to do, others I'm so flooded with work I can't leave.