
Mar 30, 2012 18:35

We've got weird weather up here in the North Country, or maybe all over New York. First it's freaking 25 degrees in the middle of March, which is suppose to be snow dump month, and no snow. Then a week later, it drops back down to the single digits and we get flurries, only flurries.

I've decided I very much prefer the crazy cold winds and freaking cold weather than the warm sunny one. The sun is just too bright, it gives me a headache and makes me strain my eyes whenever I step out of my room. I can't stand the warm temperature, even if it is a mere 25 degrees. I'm gonna die when I go back to Singapore. It's so much more comfortable to layer up in the cold then enduring the heat.

My sustainability class is kinda strange, we go on every week not knowing exactly what we'll be doing. It;s like my prof is making things up as we go along. It's kinda relaxing in a way, since we don't have any big assignments or exams for a 400-level course. We were sitting in small groups discussing the Green Campus questionnaire we came up with the other day, and the two guys I was grouped with were like "We have no idea what the hell we're doing". Anyway it's one of those classes that you don't have to feel burdened about every week.

My atmospheric processes prof was being weirdly poetic this week. He came up with little rhymes to help us remember weather processes like:
Dew on your shoes so you won't see the blues (as in dew on your shoes i the morning means it probably won't rain during the day)
Frost on the morning grass, a good day will come to pass (when you see frost it means the day will be sunny and the weather will be good) 
Snow little, snow big
Snow big, snow little (when the snowflakes are small, you'll get lots of snow piling up, when the flakes are big, the snow pile will be smaller)

And he brought in little props like cups, drinking straws, ping-pong balls, a hairdryer, and a piece of cardboard and did experiments which were pretty cool. 
We had a little "drink-off" to see who could drink a cup of water the fastest with two straws, one in the cup and the other outside. 
He also showed us how you could make a ping-pong ball float mid-air with a hairdryer.
Then he volunteered himself and let one of the students hold a piece of cardboard suspended by a cupful of water over his head. 
Wednesday nights are always fun.

He was also telling us about how during the last ice-storm in the area(in 1998 I think), he was all alone cos his wife and daughter had just left like 2 days before (he got divorced) and he had to spend it under his blanket with his cat called Chainsaw in the cold cos electricity and heat got cut off.

Hmmmmmmm oh my GIS prof told me my sweater (the AE one with the whale on it) was nice hahahah. 
F21 shipment will be here next week, can't wait! ^^

spring, weather, plattsburgh, snow, school

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