This coming weekend is the Annual Davis-Payne Bonfire. Josh and Joey are making a Cornhole game as I type this. We're getting much needed haircuts on Wednesday (haven't had haircuts since March), The Office Season 4 starts on Thursday, Jeremy's episode of The Gamekiller's airs on MTV on Friday, and the bonfire is on Saturday....oh, and Youth Sunday is this Sunday.
The next weekend is the Harvest Homecoming Parade. and the following week is kicked off with Unknown Hinson at Jim Porter's, Harvest Homecoming, and Ball State Tailgate that Saturday.
Busy Busy Busy.
Not to mention preparing for Halloween, and our awesome costumes.
When I think about all of these things...Josh is totally right- I don't just have a good life...I have a really good life. I am so thankful to have such good friends who always look out for me, and a boyfriend who's outstanding qualities cannot be sumed up with words. Just as his boss, Kevin, told me yesterday...I got a good one. Of course, I just smiled and said "I know."