Okay, so... like, I haven't actually had an LJ in quite some time. I used it for its original purpose for about two years; ranting about any bad thing that would happen to me. No good. Reading back on it, it makes me want to chew off someone's face.
I'm running on four hours of sleep for the second day in a row. Going to bed at two and waking up at six isn't good for me.
So, I'm going to use it for my other purpose; slashers. And venting. And any other random thing I can think of. Things have changed for me, and that's okay. PATD holds the best line to describe how things are now. I'm happy. I'm writing like it's going out of style. I'm addicted to slashers o.o but it's all okay. I'm cheating the school system with proxys not to get on myspace like everyone else, but to get on here.
I wrote this Ryden last night that I'm really happy with; it's short, almost 500 words, but I have nowhere to post it as of yet u.u dial-up makes it hard to look for communities. I have to post Sound and Silence, my Hayley/VickyT fic that I put on
cobraslashship last night, but... this will be the Ryden's first home.
I need a beta. Well, not "need" one, but I don't always catch my mistakes and it worries me when I read over something already done and found screw-up over screw-up. So if a kind soul would want to take me under, that would be amazing.
minus-four, and
jen_jm are my favourite writers that I've found lately. [And I'm not just dropping names.] I truly love reading them.
Well, I have to work on my newspaper project in here, so I'll post the Ryden later. Thanks to my baby
plzactsurprised for the title, which I'll show later ;)
Much love.