So I realized, rather belatedly, that the last time I updated, let alone mentioned stories in more than just brief detail was back in... January. Just a few days after the year had changed. For Hope's epilogue, of all things.
Which brings me to even more belated news:
Surprise! In the Shadows of a Hero, chapters 1 through 5, have been posted! I am retarded.
But, that's okay, since I don't think many people have gotten interested in Shadows just yet anyway. It's probably due to my current sporadic updating, whereas I'm posting about once a month rather than once a week (see excuse: college, boys, life). It also may have something to do with the fact that it's not Hope and, admittedly, Hope was my glory story and Shadows may just not be able to live up to that, in the long run.
I'm not bitter, really. A little disappointed, but if there's fault on anyone, it's the author; I haven't really been hyping the story up and can't even stay consistent with updating it. Even now, I'm delayed in posting chapter 6, due to the fact that I have no inspiration for it, let alone any time to have inspiration. Between last-minute school stuff and general summerness, priorities have fizzled -- and sadly, Harry Potter fanfiction isn't number one on my list of things to do.
OMG shocking, I know.
Yet, I love Shadows. I love Ana, the main character, and I love what I have planned for the story, which will all eventually be written out. However, as I type all that, I am eerily reminded of the way that I love Truth, and I love Hermione, and I love what I have planned for that story... which will also eventually all be written out.