quite possibly the best night of my life...

Jan 19, 2004 12:43

just a few phrases/words to remember...

-'i'll go get her right now'
-f:what'd you do to that hoodie?!?.
r:i cut it, what's wrong with it?
r:you don't see that part anyway.
b:there's nothing wrong with it dude, well, other than it doesn't
cover her boobs
-'we haven't left yet cause you guys keep trashing my outfit'
-b:where do i turn next?
b:we passed that already
-'dude, i'm hungry, what's the place?'
-'are we there yet?'
-'do you know where we are?'
-b:can you read a map rae?
r:um, no
f:i can read the map and it says we're fucked. no i can't either,
i get all confused.
-f:oh, did you already make it? cause i mean, well...i dont' want it
-'i never really took her out much'
-'please go the fuck away'
-b:ok, look for house numbers, we're looking for 11440 what's that
one say?
b:three? three what?
f:just three
-'you're riding in front with me, you get to show me where to go'
-'we almost died right there. you almost killed us.'
-'are we there yet'
-'i don't mind getting lost with you'
-'isn't there a "you are here" arrow in this thing somewhere?'
-nice dudes that just asking us if we need help
-'would you mind touchingmy jonah?'
-r:are you looking for it, you better slow down a little
b:we're not even on main st. yet
-f:maybe we should stop at that gas station and ask for directions
b:flick, remember when i just got off the phone with mullin 30
seconds ago and he gave me directions?
b:yeah, well he gave me directions.
-'let's down these before we go in'
-'hey wypij, can i see your jonah'
-f:can you make that a little more christian?
w:can you stop being a jerk please?
f:haha, yeah
w:those are my parents over there
-dashboard singalongs
-'who does that?'
-'it's just a matter of time'
-'are you two getting fresh?'
-'you mean carpe penum'
-'let's get shrimp'
-'cock sauce'
-'can we get chippies?'
-'dude, i just saw your jonah'
-m:this is a pretty strong one
f:no it's not pussy
m:ok, you know i can down them
-r:i'm getting tired
f:me too
j:me too
b:me too
f:all four of us should cuddle on the airmattress
r:i dont' think we'll all fit
f:oh mullin...um i mean 5 of us m:i'm goin home guys
-f:i'm getting hot
r:me too
j:i'm pretty warm, my sweatshirt is coming off
b:i'm right next to the stove, i'm hot too
-'i'm taking my pants off'
-'i'll do it if everyone else does'
-'heidi just ate all the cock sauce'
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