Hawthorne Heights last night.
the "gorilla guy" of the band (haha, Chase!) told me I was one of the cutest girls he's ever seen..
I was like awe, thanks man.
after the show....The Gates. Then Al's.
I love me some wild rice.
took Derek home, we sent about 10 text messages to each other...
even though we were in the same backseat. Like, not even a foot away from each other.
it was fun.
I don't understand people at my school. I honestly am not sure I want to understand them, either. All I do know, is people stab each other in the back...people lie...people make other people miserable for absolutely no reason whatsoever. People don't like me - because, why? They have no reason. But, you know what? All in all, thats perfectly fine with me. If you don't even want to take the time to talk to me, get to know me, then I am not about to waste my time trying to find out why you all hate me so much. You know what? Jesus loves you anyway. Even if you do say things about me, and give me dirty looks, and talk about my hair, clothes, weight, etc. I do not care. I am completely perfect in God's eyes...and that's all that matters to me. I have loving friends who are behind me 100%. And I do not need any of you who slander me, and ridicule me, and think I'm a horrible person for nothing. Yes, I'll admit, I can be a complete witch at times, everyone can....do not even begin to say that I'm the only one, because I'm not. Anything I've said, others have too. Yet, I'm the one who falls to your judgement...and I guess that's a good thing, because at least I can handle it. I won't breakdown over this dumb crap, I'm not going to let it bother me. I don't need you, I never asked you to talk about me, I never did anything to deserve the horrid things you have to say. Do you think you know me? Please, enlighten me. Tell me something about me that you don't like...I'm completely open to listen. I'm willing to hear it. But, I honestly don't think any of you can come up with one good reason as to why you don't like me. I'm over this, I'm over it. Stupid high school drama could be stopped, but you people like it. You like bringing others down - it gives you a sense of pride when a peer falls because of your senseless rumors. You make others stumble, you make others hurt...all because you feel so crummy about yourself. If you weren't so rude to me, I could help. Ask any of my friends, I'm great at listening, and I'm pretty good at talking things out, as well. I could be your friend. But, none of you want that. You'd rather sit back, and try to hurt me. Try to bring me down. Well, you know what? I won't fall. I'll still be standing, when you finally come to realize how dumb the things you are saying truly are. I'll be waiting. I'll be here if you ever want to talk.
I hope you all read this.
For those of you who are beside me...thank you so much.
I love you all.
♥ Christy