I'm having fun doing these little reviews. In fact, it's kind of cathartic which, as the season goes on, I think I'm going to need.
Anyway, I thought this episode was at least an improvement from last week. I had a few problems with it (mainly that the whole plot has been done before), but it was at least entertaining.
Things I liked:
-Oliver's chest. I enjoyed this immensely.
-Clark in nice clothes (Isn't it sad how my first two reasons are completely shallow...?)
-Lois's hair (I forgot to mention this earlier in the season). Seriously, she looks really good with this haircut and color.
-Tess. I'm still finding her interesting. Although, I'm not clear on why she suddenly became evil after she got off the island (Although, my TV cut out for the first part of her conversation with Oliver in the mansion, so I might have missed that explanation)
-Tess hitting on Clark, and how Clark was obviously uncomfortable with it. Ah, Tess? He's gay for Lex. Your boss. He doesn't like girls.
-The Clark/Oliver vibes. It's not clex, and it won't ever be even close, but it's still starting to become hot, at least enough that I don't feel like changing the channel.
-Tess is Mercy! I think half my flist feels a little vindicated now.
-Lois not taking Tess's crap. That was fun to watch.
-The idea of Chloe being taken over by Brainiac. This at least has potential, though I'll hold off on saying if I like it or not under I see how it plays out.
Things I didn't like:
-What was Clark's purpose in this episode? I'm interested to see the screen totals for this, because it didn't seem like he did very much. Even when he was in the plot, he still seemed like a supporting character.
-The fact that the Smallville writers can't come up with any plot line that hasn't been used. We've already had characters be poisoned (By drugged scotch-Lex drank it--in the S3 finale. By flowers, which this episode used, in Nicodemus). Lex was stranded on a deserted island and shown eating bugs like Ollie was in this episode. We already saw someone lying unconscious while another character talked to them (Chloe and Clark in S2 "Fever") like Oliver and Lois did in this episode. Plus, how many times is someone going to save the day with some random serum? (Remember S3 "Truth"? S6 "Rage"? How about S5 "Void"?)
-Lois. I repeat: THIS CHARACTER HAS THE POTENTIAL TO BE SO MUCH MORE. Why are they reducing her like this? She's acting with Oliver like Clark does with Lana. Every single time she gets near him, we have to have a long, drawn out angsty scene that no longer does anything but make me annoyed.
-Oliver's treatment of Clark. Okay, if Clark doesn't want to go save the world right now, Oliver, he doesn't have to. Stop putting him down because he doesn't.
-Chloe. Usually I like her, but she really didn't wow me in this episode. Actually, I haven't really been impressed since the season opener. I think it's the fact that her whole plot line seems to consist of Jimmy and Davis.
-Chloe/Jimmy/Davis triangle. (I have a feeling I'm going to be repeating this quite often under the repeat column...)