Castle thoughts - spoilers for promo

Oct 15, 2012 23:15

So what worries me about the next Castle episode isn’t…

that he’s (Rick) really guilty of murder. Even if that made any kind of sense character-wise, which it doesn’t really (imo), you can’t do that to your main character. So no, that doesn’t worry me. What makes me a bit worried is that this means his romance with Kate is over.

You know, the whole trust thing… and strained relationship, etc…

That worries me. And if that’s the direction they go, it makes me sad. In part, it makes me sad because I love Kate and Rick together. And in part it makes me sad to think on it because frankly, they’re one of the only angst and pain-free ‘ships I have. Well, fairly pain-free and angst-free.

I mean, Olivia and Peter…. pain, pain, pain. Arizona and Callie… pain, pain, pain… so on, and so forth.

Now I get that nothing can last forever in TV… but, I hoped for at least a few more episodes of giddy, happy Kate & Rick… *sigh*
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