Feb 20, 2005 02:53
"well this is new" he said sitting his long coat onto a near by chair and glancing around his recent location. he looked at the invitation he got the night before to make sure he was at the right place. then looked around the house again.
-"yep this is where i am suppose to be."-
"i didn't expect you here for at least an hour" came a voice from one of the rooms in the back.
-"by the looks of things i can tell. you still have clothes laying around"
hope walked in and looked at the room then back at his guest, then they both laughed and greeted each other with a hugged.
"i was so busy making sure there was a room ready for you i forgot to cleen up."
-"no stress my friend. tell you what i'll clear up this room while you get my room ready."
"sounds like a plan to me this way you can give yourself a formal introduction to the others."
with those words said hope disappeared into the back again leaving the guest to meet and greet the others."
-"ok. for those of you who have never met me before, allow me to introduce myself. my name is shadow-light and i am the pin name of hoperestored. see i usually stop by every once in a while to give hope a sincere reality check about himself and help him understand things better. i do this through poetry and short stories. the reason for my name you ask. well my work, when look over for the first time will appear to be depressing, negative, pesimistic, and all those other doom and gloom expressions i can't think of , but after reading it a second time people discover that the work is really a prayer or a self evaluation that inspires hope to press on and take the next step regardless of the pain or obsticle that stands agaist him. or as he would say the light i bring is over shadowed by an attitude of darkness."
shadow gauges the expression of the reader then shruggs
-"look if what i am saying makes no since then i won't try to explain i will just show you what i mean"
with that shadow proceeds to his room and motions to be followed.
-"this poem i am about to write should clear the air of any confusion or unclarity, in any case i look forward to comments and personal thoughts."
hope steps up behind shadow and puts an arm around him
"and if any one asked, just tell em that shadow is just a more honest person with his thoughts and emotions..(you know how writers are)"
-"any way i'll write the poem and we'll go from their k...