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Aug 03, 2006 00:45

Today was my dad's birhtday hes 50, and yesterday was Coles birhtday and he turned 9, gosh cole is growing up so fast, and just holy crap!!! its nuts. Anyways today was a nice day i think anyways.. I woke up and ate some ice cream cake cuz i had a craving for it was there so i ate some lol, then i went out with my dad, and he starded talking to me.. like a real conversation.. MY father and i had a real conversation it was amazing i mean we didnt even argue we like bonded it was amazing really! He talked about how much that he loves mom and how amazing it is to watch my brothers and I grow up. I went shopping yesterday with my mom and we went out and got cards for cole and my dad and my dad read his cards today and he loved them all but when it came to my mom's card he said that he cried when he read it, and i was like holy shit right.. Again this is my dad..

Anyways my dad went on to say that theres men ouside his work at 2/3 in the morning begging for some money and my dads co-workers predy much take a broom to them to shoe them off the parking lot, of the store. And it pisses off my dad becasue there not bad people just in a bad place.. he told me that he remembered when he was there asking strangers for money so he could eat, this was when he was traviling across canada of coruse. But theres a gentelmen that my dad has told to leave the store's parking lot a coiple times becasue he asks for money to go get his drugs for the nite, well this man came and asked my dad for some change, he said that he hadent eaten in about 24 hours, and he didnt want to be a ass or aynthing but he really needed to get something to ear. my dad looks over at him and he said that hes not going to give him money for his habbit but he will help him out to get something to eat. My dad watched him go accross the parking lot to A&W and he got a hamburger. Later this man talked to my dad and some of the other guys, and he said that hes sick.. my dad said that hes been there and done that( my dad had cancer in 1998, and had his left lung removed) Well this man is struggling with HIV, hes got stage 2. He's got a sctatch on his leg that's predy much a open wond that will never heal becasue his amune system is so messed up. My dad said that this man put his finger into his wond to his leg bone.. and my dad had to get up and walk away.. that this man that was sitting no more then 2 feet in front of him is dieing in front of him.. it was a lil much for him to take. And i think about a close friend of mine that passed away this year from the same thing, he was 21 and he was a wonderful person.. full of life, and from something that he was ashamed to say that he had he never went for help.

My dad and i sat and talked about that, and he said that when he thot about it, is life really that cheap, and i looked over at him and i said that this man had a drug problem.. something that he infliced on himself, that life is not cheap, unless you make it. Life is simply what you make of it, you can take it for what it is, and life life to the fullest or you can drown it away with habbits that are un-nessary, and kill yourself slowly and painfully.

I dont know i guess this hit me hard here today is my dads 50'th birthday and he said to me that he didnt htink that he was going to make it his far.. i mean my dad and i have had our fallings out and all, but hes my dad, hes someone that i care about so deeply and that i wish wonderful things for even though sometimes he doesnt show it towards me i know that he wishes the same...Hes my dad and i love him.

I dont know the things that has happend over the last while, just today put it all into perspective for me and its shure a wake up call to get my shit together and figure out what the hell im going to do with my life, and what i where i want to be. That i know things are messed up now but they will get better ive just got to keep my head up, even though its hard.Things always work out in the end, and its a beautiful thing!!!
I wish everyone love fulled days and endless ammounts of laughter, Talk to you later

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