(no subject)

May 04, 2006 23:21

So lets just say that this has been a good week. As much as I hate to say it, I am really glad to be leaving Shorter. I don't really think that I realized how much it really brought me down. And it is totally psychological. Because it really is just the place that brought me down. I mean, I love all my friends! I have Matt and Suzanne. And Tommy. And just everybody that I love. And I will totally be coming back to visit for shows and concerts and stuff. And maybe I will bring up some friends from GSU too. (i know liz and gladys would wanna come)

But anyway, I am way excited about going to Parent-Daughter Weekend and then to Kendall's. Basically, May is gonna be a good month.

Oh and my mommy is buying me a new computer. I'm excited!

Well thats all...

Love u guys!

new computer, school, camp

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