Today's appointment

Aug 11, 2009 21:38

Annoyed to discover than my twitters are not crossing over to here. I was sort of relying on that relationship to maintain some history for me. Oh, well.

Copying in this post from the IVP...

We had a big day today. My OB was on vacation, so we had our weekly appt with another doc in the practice. No big deal, right? Well, I didn't get a chance to take a couple deep breaths before they did my blood pressure and it came back 150ish over 98. Instead of taking it again, the doc makes me go to labor and delivery (the hospital is in the same building) for a series of BPs and some blood tests. My urine dip was fine, so I was wasn't too concerned for my health or the boy's health, but they still kept acting like I was going to have to do a 24 hour urine catch AT the hospital. They hooked me up to the belly monitor and made me lay on my left side. An hour or so in, Megan had to leave to go pick up Quinn from school. I was completely convinced that someone would come in and declare a c-section immediately necessary and Megan wouldn't even be in the building.

As it turns out, my BP went down as low as 120-something over 67 and Berry's tracing was "perfect." The nurse, who was very sweet, said, "people are jealous because I have such a good baby in here." I'm not completely sure what that all meant, but it couldn't be bad. My blood was fine, with the exception of my potassium being a single banana low.

I was discharged with lots of paperwork on the symptoms of pre-eclampsia. (sp?) Yay for going home!

For the record, my cervix is "a fingertip" dilated and not at all effaced. Berry is at -2. Um, so basically I have nothing to report about that. Belly still measuring bigger than expected, but didn't get the actual number.


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