I've been sitting on some big news for a few days because I needed a little time for it to sink in and feel real. Obviously most of you know the end of this story, but bear with me. I want to get it all down so that I can remember in the future.
On Saturday we were getting ready to go to Connor's Birthday party (the son of a co-worker) and I decided to do a pregnancy test before we left. They tell you to test in the AM, but I have bad luck with that. I get a much better cuppa cuppa around 4 pm.
Let me interject here, that you must ALWAYS pee in a cup. Even if you have those fancy direct-stream tests, pee in a cup and dip them. You never know when further testing may be necessary and you don't want to have to wait to save up another good batch. Case in point coming up...
So, I dip an internet cheapie test and promptly forget about it until we were almost ready to walk out the door. The test sat for 30 minutes or so, maybe even longer -- 10 minutes longer than you are EVER supposed to read one. It had sort of a second-line-ish if you tilted it *just so.* Having seen a gazillion of these tests, I knew that they got a ghost line around 20 minutes that faded a few minutes later. That should have been gone by now. This did NOT look negative. I've seen 100 or so negative ones... We were a little excited, but tried not to be. We dipped an Answer and hopped in the car. By the time we were pulling out, there was *something* there. A line! A line! A line! Wow, it was light. Really light, but it was really there!
We tested later that night (including a digital that said the P word almost immediately) and then Sunday and Monday, too. The lines are still pretty damn light, but they aren't squinters anymore. I had a beta drawn today and will go back on Thursday for the second. The nurse refused to do a progesterone for me, but it looks like the IVP is offering to mail me pills and p-bombs from all over the globe. I LOVE you all, you know that don't you?
Ok, so here is the good juju of all of this:
- We are fans of Mary, as well as her pagan counterpart, Brigid. For instance, when we are TTC, we take flowers to Mary/Brigid at our local Immaculate Conception Catholic church. We think IC Mary would have to be down with lesbians getting knocked up b/c she's been there, you know?
- Quinn's middle name is Brigid, after Brigid/Mary.
-The due date would be Feb. 2, which has lots of meaning to different people, depending on who you ask:
- Historically it was the day that Brigid's snakes came up out of the ground because of the spring thaw (ever notice how Mary always has a snake around her ankle? NOTHING to do with the garden of eden. EVERYTHING to do with the Christian's adoption of pagan symbology to make the locals happy.)
- It is Groundhog's Day here in the states. I guess we watered the snake thing down by using a rodent.
- It is also referred to as
Imbolc (translated means "in the belly"). I have also seem "Oimelc" which is about where the Ewes start lactating.
- Catholics call it Candlemas or the "Feast of the Purification of the Virgin" They used to call it St. Brigid's Day, but I think she got de-sainted once they were on to her.
Basically, it all comes down to pregnancy and birth and new beginnings and I couldn't be happier to have this as a due date. Now we just gotta make it there this time.