I registered
THEIVP.COM this morning!!! YAY! I went ahead and got hosting for it from the company I use for hopeandmegan.com. I can't physically see the page yet. It takes up to 2 days for The Internet to find a new address (but I've never had it take that long). BTW - If you click the link and get the page to load, please let me know! I went ahead and installed tikiwiki from the panel at my hosting company, but I can't do any tweaking because everything has a web interface. I'm refreshing like a mad woman.
I have a 1:30 meeting that doesn't require any input on my part. I think I will work on mocking up categories and sub-categories for the new site.
Calliope has graciously volunteered to help me admin the site. Is anyone else interested in helping admin or moderate or facilitate or (some name that is worthy of the ivp)? At this point I am not planning on putting too many controls on things.* I think that primarily your jobs will be organizing, categorization, prettifying and n00b helping. I could imagine one of us reading a new wiki page and making headings or marking terms that need to be defined in other wiki pages. Yes, I will gladly teach you what to do, although it is super easy once you get the hang of it.
Ok, my meeting beckons. Hopefully I'll have a nice start on a category tree to share with you when I return.
* I could set it so that wikis or uploads or whatever would have to all be approved by an admin. I'm hoping that won't be necessary. I don't know if there is the potential for spam or not, we shall see. I think I will set it up so that you have to be logged in to edit pages. Hopefully that will be enough to keep spambots away.