I have so much to tell you, but so little time. Here are the highlights...
Quinn had her first birthday party this weekend. She was an absolute angel (despite no afternoon nap) and everyone left knowing that we have the best, most adorable baby in the whole world. She was completely spoiled by all those in attendance. Oh, and cake is good. She just wanted you to know.
Meanwhile, I had the stomach flu from hell and could neither eat, drink NOR be merry. (don't worry people at the party, I didn't touch the food) *knock, knock* Megan and Quinn haven’t caught it.
I went into work briefly yesterday because we were moving offices and I had a couple of things to finish packing. I then came home and slept for over 3 hours. The craziest thing is that I was in the house by myself. I have only been in the house by myself once or twice since Quinn was born. Despite feeling like crap, it was heaven.
I was awoken from my slumber (sort of) by a call from the daycare. Quinn has pink eye. We have to pick her up within the hour. They’ve said she had pink eye before and it was more like excess "sleep" in her eyes, so we were dubious. The civic has a dead battery, so I had to track Megan down in her office hours to do an emergency baby fetch. Sadly, the daycare was right. Green and gloppy. Fortunately we already had the drops and got her started on them. Also fortunate was the fact that Quinn’s 12 months dr’s appointment was already scheduled for today, as she needs a dr’s note get back into daycare.
Fast forward to to today. The eyes are much better already. I am much better, finally. After much discussion with the dr, we DID end up getting the chickenpox vaccine, which meant 3 sticks in total. The stupid, GD nurse didn’t hold her legs down when she stuck her the first time. I didn’t look. I mean, I thought my job was to coo at her face end and make sure she didn’t know it was coming and all that. The legs were HER deal, right? Anyway, when she sticks the needle in, Quinn kicked her leg up really quickly and BENT THE NEEDLE in her leg muscle. This seemed to really startle the nurse, but to her credit, she kept going and got everything done. I don’t think we could have fooled Baby Q again. When she was done, the nurse mumbled some shit about not expecting Quinn to "fight her." WHAT?? You are jabbing her with needles!! She might be tiny, but she’s no weakling. She only cried a little bit. I cried more because I felt like I should have noticed that she wasn’t holding on tightly enough or something.
Vital stats of the day:
29 inches tall (59th percentile),
17 pounds, 11 ounces (6th percentile) Believe it or not, that was the quick version.