Origins starts tomorrow. I have to volunteer for 16 hours if I want my $60 ticket paid for (the above mentioned ticket has not been purchased as of yet). The woman in charge of the volunteers has had a lot of family drama and hasn't told us ANYTHING. I guess I will just show up and assume that things will fall into place. If they don't, then I will just buy the one-day ticket. Anyone else going to what Megan refers to as the "nerd bonanza?" I'm hoping I can find some locals that like Neopets TCG.
My temps went up this morning, it could be random fluctuation, not sleeping soundly or part of a typical pattern of mine, but in reality (dare I type this?) I slept *pretty* soundly and while the temp *IS* within one standard deviation of the norm of my temp for today, typically today is the end of a string of high temps on the way down, not the first day of an up.
I used another $tree test this morning. I could tell by looking at my cup of pee that the odds weren't good. Too pale. I thought about not testing, but it's a DOLLAR and *what* *if*.....
Of course it was negative. Megan is so sweet, she just says "maybe tomorrow."
I should start bleeding tomorrow, thurs or fri (would the real 15 DPO please stand up?). If I don't start by Saturday, I will try one of my swank digital tests. That'll certainly be a "missed period" day.
My boobs and belleh are swollen feeling, but it could be period-related.
I had weird cramps last night. Not short cramp cramp cramp ones like AF, but sort of a dull ache that lasted for 2+ hours.
No migraine (knock on wood) thus far, which usually is my sign that my progesterone is hitting the road and that AF is coming.
All I can do is wait...