Mar 07, 2005 22:49
A GREAT GUY IN MY LIFE (aka a great bf)
-focuses on me as his only girl
-treats me like a princess
-accepts me for who I am
-doesn’t make me feel stupid when I’m around him
-tells me that I look cute/pretty when I look cute/pretty
-puts me on top of the world
-shows that he cares about me
-puts up with my mistakes and flaws
-is there to talk to and open up to when I need him
-opens up to me in return
-does those little things that makes me go crazy, just to pick on me
-makes me feel like I matter, like I’m special
-pays attention to the things that he knows would bother me and makes wise decisions so that I wouldn’t end up getting hurt
-picks me at least sometimes over his friends, or at least makes me feel welcome when he’s around them, not like I don’t exist
-lets me know there aren’t any other girls, that I’m the only one is his eyes (because that’s the way it needs to be, for me)
-can connect with me on many different levels
-accepts my friends (and of course my family) and apologizes for the little things he knows may bother me
-isn’t afraid to hang out with my friends and especially my family and has no problem coming to my "family gatherings" (just a bonus)
-addresses the situation when something is wrong
-is different from all the others
-proves not to be like all the other guys I may have liked in the past
-gives me that indescribable feeling
-is * perfect *
so yeah if anyone out there qualifies or possess at least a few of these qualities, let me know. Or if you know someone, then let me know…kthnx