Dec 01, 2005 00:17
today i bought a 1997 toyota celica. it is silver. it is most righteous.
today i learned how to drive a 5 speed. yes, the celica is a 5 speed. deeeeecent.
so i need to fix some things
priorety: the rear defrost is on the fritz...guy at autozone said he things its just a fuse..should only cost a few
bucks to fix....sweet. the high beams are is..the other just needs a new bulb..and i shouldn't say jacked..they are fine just needs a new bulb and the other is SLIGHTLY off alignment. no biggy for now.
methinks the power steering fluid is low...or it could just be that its FREAK'N COLD out...either gonna get a full on oil change and fulid top off...should be good for it. airbags were deployed so i bought two new ones..the most excellent rick henry is going to help me instal them whence they arrive. DOPE. thats about it as far as major fixes...i got the car WICKED cheap biggie.
as far as long term fixes...the core support is slightly it looks like the hood is just a tad off alignment. it might cost a bit of coin to get someone to fix it. gonna lay off for might be in the budget for a christmas/birthday present. yeah. and thats about it stoked.
i wonder wonder wonder...what to do now...i just drove it around a bit more teaching myself how to start from a completely stopped position in first gear on a hill...without rolling back gonna have to have that mastered for when i head back to clifton in the winter. yeah...crazy...i think i did all right getting the hang of it.
so goals for tomorrow...i'll check back to let you know what i accomplish
1. get the car insured. thats right...i still need to do that.
2. paint the ridiculous "limited edition" interior stylings MATTE BLACK. holla if ya feel me!
3. take it to the mechanic to get 'er all worked up and checked out.
4. put new wipers on and fix the two..count em' only two scratches with touch up paint.
5. drive around. get better at driving a stick. yeah.
now most important above all these things is spending time with the Emily. because she is m'love. indeed. ;)
she helped MASS today. THANK YOU DEAR!
Yahweh Shalom.