Nov 16, 2005 12:02
You might have a hard time reading this because my words are slowly fading...
So, I had a riveting conversation with Casey about nice guys last night...this issue has consistently resurfaced for the last week or light of this idea, I thought I'd write down all of my 'two cents' and lay out all my small change on the issue. So, then I know where to go from here...all set? sweet.
"Well, you're never gonna find it if you're looking for it...won't come your way."
I have been a nice guy...all my life. Since day fucking one, the rentals were all "he's so niiicceee, he always thinks of eeevvveerrryyoonnnee before himself..." yadda yadda yadda...You would think that up to this point...I would have learned something by now, but here I sit...ranting...about the nicy guy routine. Where has it gotten me? nowhere...where you going? Nowhere.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines...Another false alarm, Red flashing lights...Well, this time I'm not going to watch myself die."
I've been told numerous times to stay the same...there aren't that many nice guys left. I'll admit...we are the last of a dying breed...ones that still pull out chairs, pay for dinner, send the favorite flowers, take things slow so that emotion is present, enjoy the chick movies, write songs/poetry, all that good shit. But, getting past step one is always the issue...
"Oh, the way she feels about me has changed...Thanks for playing, try again...How could I forget?"
:::I'm scoring in song lines that revolve around the subject for dramatical effect, and they are some of my favorite songs anyway:::
Let's face it...and I've got fucking proof from numerous girlies that nice guys have no real appeal. There is just no challenge...and thats the deal. There has to be a challenge...the nice guy is already set...head over heels...thinks you rock the face of, the chase is gone...let's keep that kid on reserve. The asshole doesn't care, and every human being always...never fails...wants what they cannot have...regardless of the circumstances because a.)what you can't have always appears to be better than what is presented AND b.)presents a huge, diabolical, no need for cross examination.
Take a breath, just take a're falling apart and tearing at the seams."
Don't get me wrong...I'm still gonna stay a 'nice guy' but not as presented...where's the damn upside? Instead, I'd rather be THAT guy that isn't looking, doesn't give a shit...and rolls my feelings back up my sleeves and tucked away in my chest so I can just walk and not let a damn thing fuck me up. I'm just tired of fighting a losing battle. So, if I can't win...even just draw...I'll fold and close this shit off.
"I'm never speaking up only hurts me...I'd rather be a mystery than she desert me...Oh I'm never speaking up again...Starting now."
Call this a affirmation of Life...or me just bitching...but, the important part is: I'm walking away from this with a new view on this...a new outlook on presentation. I'll let the nice guy show when people start proving that they're fucking worthy...I could have layed it all out on the table today in English because there is a classic nice guy-uninterested female relationship in the book we're reading...yet, time...I kind of saw that as a sign to lay it out on my journal here...awesome.
I'm anticipating comments of how bitchy this is...but, frankly, I stopped caring when I considered writing/righting this...its all for piece of mind, so I can come back to this in case I ever need some inspiration.
Let me enlighten you...this is the way I pray.
And for some shits and is that classic song to tie things together.
Nice guys finish last. You're running out of gas. You're sympathy will get you left behind. Sometimes you're at your best, when you feel the worst. Do you feel washed up like piss going down the drain?
Pressure cooker pick my brain and tell me I'm insane. I'm so fucking happy I could cry. Every joke can have its truth but now the jokes on you. I never knew you were such a funny guy.
Oh nice guys finish last, when you are the outcast. Don't pat yourself on the back, you might break your spine.
...end rant...
Well, ::stretches and breathes some fresh air:: now that its done...I hope you don't mind...hope you don't mind...that I put down in words...Does anyone think I'm just flippin' crazy yet?
Walking away with a new name and face,
read this for clarity...