Keep up-2-date

Dec 08, 2008 03:00

Everyone i know is haveing lady problems, me included i guess you could say.  it sucks.  shit with matt, i know what hes going through to the letter.  after a break up a few years back i posted a private LJ entry that was equivelant to about 4 pages of an apology letter to this girl.  everytime i read it it hurt and about 4 months ago i deleted it because it reminded me of how bad i hurt for those few months.

if i were to condone takeing my advice (which i never do, but feel free to take it) ide say time heals all wounds.  that always seems to work for me.

my life seems real out of wack right now, like i shouldnt be giving advice anyway. meh, i dunno.  it may be cuz its 3:am im just feelin weird who knows.

something else ive ben wanting to get off my chest.  apperently women are taught to wipe from front to back...ya avoid "infection". but i also go front to back...cuz i dont wanna get "Poo-Sack".  back to front just seems stupid, uncomfertable, and more work.  so really people this is a revolution, a front to back revolution!!!!!!!!!

xobLuox: i meet with him to talk about my paper and the convo always goes personal

xobLuox: so like, i know he likes to cook and stuf

xobLuox: and we like a lot of the same food

Nicky Vulgar V: lol grilled cheese

xobLuox: so i wanted to suggest that we make dinner together sometime

xobLuox: but that's more a date to me

xobLuox: or like, two old friends chillin

xobLuox: i figured coffee was safe

xobLuox: cause it's not too threatening that he'd say no because he is worried that i'm into him

xobLuox: but it also opens the door for communication open a little wider

xobLuox: meaning that a consequent date wouldn't seem ridiculous

xobLuox: p.s. i think a lot

Nicky Vulgar V: lol, i may belive you there

xobLuox: so yeah

xobLuox: and since i'm not too confident that he'll say yes

xobLuox: i have a back up guy who i know is into me who will be around in january too ;-)

Nicky Vulgar V: haha, you seem to focused on getting a BF or a hook up, a good one will be one you meet without all the thought behind it

Nicky Vulgar V: one that just happans

thats allways been a motto i firmly belived in since my brother first told me it and i quote  "You'll never get into a relationship your happy with if you keep going out and looking for one, and trying to make it happan.  You gotta stop trying and thats when you'll meet someone your truely happy with"

that stuck with me since i was outty for now yall

Rock, Paper, and Dynamite-With-A-Cuttable-Wick
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