Jan 10, 2004 10:59
I'll get to the title theory here in a sec,but I figured I would lead up to it first.I had school yesterday which was simply sweet.I have to attend some religious events and asian culture events.It's going to be fun.Oh....wait...I think I should spell it "AzN" just for Ed.So after school and getting the rest of my books I went home after a few errands.So...
Tim IMed me and told me to come over.I figured that would be cool.Claudia had other things going on at the moment,so I was pretty much down for anything.Anyway,Paul had perfected the Jaeger-Bomb and him and Wade were going to head out to get some more supplies.So,we all threw down money and Paul and Wade were off.Meanwhile,Katie had called Tim and invited us over.So,eventually all four of us were up there at the girl's apartment.Everything was fine until Paul transformed into Forest Gump...well...A more ignorant and rude Forest.Maybe an Evil Forest would be appropriate.So,Evil Gump brakes out into horny mode and starts hitting on Claudia(Did I mention that Evil Gump was ignorant?).After wards, he starts ranking on Mike all hardcore like.
So Evil Gump heads outside and Tim tells E.G. to go back and apologize to Mike and Claudia.Of course,this didn't go over so well.Eventually we get the dumb ass to leave,but not before insulting Michelle on the way out and also calling all the guys failures.
So we get him outside and then he takes off running....for no reason.So,Evil Gump takes off and we spent a good hour looking for him with no success.
Nobody knows how much this pisses me off.Especially with him insulting everybody.It really doesn't make sense to mess with people either when you don't have much room to talk.I guess it must suck to know you're not going to become anything in life,eh?
I hate to be all defensive and shit,but you shouldn't mess with other people's friends especially when you don't have any of your own.Oh well,till then I hope everybody had fun,that is of course except for Evil Gump,who I assume to be trying to score with a road sign or something.Peace!!