Mar 17, 2004 00:54
So today was pretty sweet in it's own respective relaxing kind of way.Seeing how I dedicated all last night and early morning to that damn book;I had most of today to sit around and chill.
I stayed up till 6 in the morning so I could get most of it finished.I was proud of myself on that.I should also mention that I spent a good hour or so at Tim's with the coffee.I would of appreciated a beer,but it's all good.Maybe next time.
So,after all that work and going to bed around 6-ish,I woke up around noon,finish that damn book.Afterwards,I pretty much just jammed out on the guitar.Now my fingers are paying for it.It's pretty hard to type or write.Actually,I think it would of been pretty cool to break the skin,but that wasn't going to happen(Bryan Adams style....I wonder if anyone will catch that).I worked a lot on "Tiger Lily" which is an absolutely awesome song by Matchbook Romance.It's almost "Konstantine" worthy...Almost is the key word though.Anyway,It's a pretty simple song
chord-wise,but I like it none the less.
So,now I have school in a few hours and I should be on my way to bed....I do hope I did good on my DP test....Peace and Love
P.S.-I hope my OP family is doing good.I'll be by to visit shortly