stolen from danni......

Dec 08, 2004 15:11

--Name: nikki
--Birthdate: oct. 31 1988
--Birthplace: worcester
--Current Location: worcester
--Eye color: blue green
--Hair color: black w/ auburn highlights
--Height: 5 feet tall and some inches
--Righty or Lefty: righty
--Zodiac Sign: scorpio
--Innie or Outtie: innie

// Ver. 2 - Describe

--Your Heritage: irish, english, native american and some others
--The Shoes You Wore Today: my gray vans like always
--Your Weakness: chocolate
--Your Fears: spiders, the dark
--Your Perfect Pizza: lots of pepperoni and lots of cheese
--One thing You'd Like to Achieve: getting a decent b/f

// Ver.3

--What is your most overused phrase?: ok
--Your first thoughts waking up: nooo its too early
--The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes//smile//hair
--Your best physical features: ick none
--Your bedtime: eh sometimes early like 7 or late like 12
--Greatest Fear: spiders
--Your Most Missed Memory: um...

// Ver.4

--Pepsi or Coke: both
--McDonald's or Burger King: both
--Single or Group Dates: i dunno
--Adidas or Nike: VANS!
--Chocolate or Vanilla: both
--Cappucino or coffee: cocoa
--Boxers or Briefs: boxers

// Ver.5

--Do you smoke?: nope
--Cuss?: sometimes. trying to cut down
--Sing Well?: not at all
--Do you think you've been in love?: no
--Want to go to college: yea
--Liked High School?: its ok
--Want to get married?: eventually
--Type with fingers on the right keys: sometimes
--Get motion sickness: no
--Think you're attractive: nope
--Think you're a health freak: haha no
--Get along with parents: sometimes
--Like Thunderstorms: no scared to death

// Ver.6 - in the past month, did/have you:

--Consumed Alchohol: nope
--Have Sex: nope
--Made Out: nope
--Gone On Date: nope
--Go To the Mall: yea
--Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nope
--Eaten Sushi: nope
--Gone Skating: nope
--Made Homemade cookies: nope they were outta a box
--Been in Love: nope
--Gone Skinny Dipping: nope
--Dyed your hair: nope
--Stolen Anything: nope

// Ver.7

--Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: nope wait yeah i think so...
--Been trashed or completely intoxicated: nope
--Been caught "doing something"?: not that i know of
--Been Called a "Tease": errr. yes by mom and amber
--Shoplifted?: nope
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