Jul 29, 2011 17:49
Okay, so my SO and I were going to move into this new place when my current lease was up. We even found the perfect place (hello washer and dryer, and more coin operated money sucking trips to the laundry mat). We filled out the applications. Paid the money for his mother to cosign. And told them we would start paying the deposit on it in July. We show up three weeks ago to start paying this and find out that they rented the place to someone else. Herein begins the trouble. We then begin searching everywhere for an apartment. After three weeks of searching we finally find the place. Only now: We're broke because he couldn't work for a week because of the heat index, I'm not getting that many hours at work, and they want both the deposit and the first month's rent up front. So now I'm having a minor panic attack. He's just shrugging his shoulders and waiting for me to work my magical Aries powers on our finances (some how we always have enough money 'cause the universe refuses to deal with a pissed off Aries. We could rewrite the universe with sheer willpower).
Then, I've also added a new job to try to supplement my income. And you know what the number one response has been to me getting the job? Don't rely on it to add anything to your income. It's a scam. It's impossible to make any money. You couldn't sell water in the desert. Etc. The only person who has been positive about it is my SO, but he'd support me if I told him that I wanted to move the Antarctica and study penguins. Then he wonders why I'm so stressed.