I've decided to make a Resident Evil table top RPG. OMG, I'm such a dork. If you want a look what I've got so far in under the lj-cut.
- Constitution: covers your hardiness for such things as drinking and taking wounds. Directly affects your hit points and poison resistances.
- Strength: covers your physical strength. Directly affects the amount of damage dealt as well as grappling.
- Dexterity: covers your agility. Directly affects the ability to doge and evade as well as a character's defense.
- Intelligence: mental capacity. Directly affects skill points gained each level and professions available to characters.
- Wisdom: covers intuition and a character's sense of what is going around them. Directly affects use of the five senses.
- Charisma: covers how well a character is liked and physical attractiveness. Directly affects a character's ability to be charming and beguile other characters.
- · Balance (DEX)-covers anything balance related from balancing on a windy platform to the ability to stay standing after a hit.
- · Bluff (CHA)-covers a character’s ability to lie successfully.
- · Climb (STR)-covers anything related to scaling things as well as a character’s ability to cling to surfaces
- · Computer Skills (INT)-covers everything from hacking skills to being able to successful check email
- · Craft (_______) (INT)-covers the ability to make things; may be taken multiple times in order to have the ability to create multiple things
- · Decipher Script (INT)-covers everything from being able to read your co-worker’s messy handwriting to determining if it was written by the person in question.
- · Demolitions (INT)-covers the creation and usage of various explosive devices and their results
- · Diplomacy (CHA)-covers a character’s ability to understand and defuse a volatile situation with words, or understand the political currents in a situation based on instinct.
- · Disable Device (INT)-the ability to render a devise useless or non-threatening
- · Disguise (CHA)-covers the ability to pretend to be something you’re not
- · Drive (______) (DEX)-taken in multiple areas such as cars, boats, trains, forklifts, buses, etc., and covers the ability to successfully use them
- · Escape Artist (DEX)-covers the ability to get out of bindings, pick locks, and hide such things as would aid you to do so on your person
- · Fly (______) (DEX)-taken in multiple areas such as airplanes, jets, helicopters, etc., and make successful use of them
- · Forgery (INT)-covers the ability to make fake documents, IDs, cash, etc.
- · Gather information (CHA)-the ability to successfully get reliable information about something from a person that they might not otherwise tell you.
- · Handle animal (CHA)-the ability to calm or make use of an animal/infected
- · Hide (DEX)-the ability to blend in with your environment and avoid detection
- · Intimidate (CHA)-the ability to successfully put the fear of God into someone in order to get them to do what you want
- · Jump (STR)-covers everything from distance to height of a jump and whether or not you pull something
- · Knowledge (Geography) (INT)-covers landmarks and other environmental factors
- · Knowledge (Infected) (INT)-covers everything from history and creation of infected to how to deal with different types of infected
- · Knowledge (Local) (INT)-covers knowledge of the local area including organizations, gangs, people, politics, geography, and history
- · Knowledge (Microbiology) (INT)-covers knowledge of cellular and molecular biology including such things as ATP creation and consumption, cellular respiration, changes in infected on a cellular level.
- · Knowledge (Political) (INT)- Knowledge of an area’s political affiliations, situations, and go to people
- · Knowledge (Virology) (INT)-knowledge of the different viruses present in the world, their uses, symptoms, and treatment.
- · Listen (WIS)-covers a character’s ability to pick up on sounds in the environment.
- · Move Silently (DEX)-covers a character’s ability to sneak up on or hide movement from things in the environment.
- · Navigate (INT)-a character’s ability to orient and find their way in different locations
- · Perform (______) (CHA)-covers a character’s ability to perform in an entertaining way such as playing an instrument, singing, or otherwise performing.
- · Profession (INT)-covers skills specific to a profession, as well as a character’s standing in their chosen profession
- · Read/Speak/Write Language (_______)-covers a character’s ability to read or speak a language; can be taken multiple times for more than one language.
- · Repair (INT)-the ability to repair or make something useful again.
- · Research (INT)-the ability to make use of resources not human or computer in order to gather information
- · Ride (DEX)-the ability to ride an animal or remain seated during a bumpy ride or turbulence.
- · Search (INT)-the ability to look for items or things otherwise out of the place.
- · Sense Motive (WIS)-the ability to detect lies, know why someone is doing something or use ‘intuition’.
- · Sleight of Hand (DEX)-the ability to pick-pocket, hide something on your person or cheat someone
- · Spot (WIS)-covers the sense of sight and everything related to looking at something in an environment
- · Survival (WIS)-covers all survival skills, such as knowing what plants and fungi are dangerous to eat, how to make use of your environment to your advantage, tracking, etc.
- · Swim (STR)-covers a character’s ability to swim vs equipment, current, and other factors
- · Treat Injury (INT)-covers basic medical knowledge such as putting pressure on an open wound, put a burn in cold water, use sterile bandages, etc.
- · Tumble (DEX)-covers a character’s ability to land after a fall or jump as well as all over acrobatic feats
- · Use Device (_______) (INT) -ability to use certain device correctly, can be taken multiple time for multiple types of devices