(no subject)

Oct 09, 2004 11:40

Last night was (in the words of "Paris" ) full of scandal

First of all I went to the park and picked up the girls, then we waited for Kayla's mom to drop off her money , and we went on our way.

We got to Parkersburg and went to the mall, there were plenty of people to make fun of, it was nice.

Pillows were bought, we walked around some more. Made our way to gabes, then came back to Marietta to eat.

We were going to go to Applebees, but they were packed. So we ended up at some pizza place which was really nice.

Then we went walking and encountered these fucking rude little kids, I was astounded by the disrespect that they gave us. Honestly. They kept harassing Kayla and then we tried to leave and they CLIMBED ALL OVER MY CAR So then I decided i'd just start driving anyway, and they all fell off (mind you, i was going less than 5mph.)

Afterword we found some other things to get into and then we all went home.

Today we'll most likely get into something as well. We shall see.
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