the OTP meme. Just the one today, cause I don't have any more written yet and I don't want this one to go stale waiting for more to post!
Fandom: LOST
Pairing, prompt: Desmond/Penny, alt!verse
wandersfoundWord Count: 130
At 9 p.m., in Our Mutual Friend, the coffee shop on the corner of Sweetzer and Melrose, Desmond Hume sat quietly waiting for Penny to arrive. He felt he should be nervous, but he wasn’t. Like most of the things that had happened to him today, something about this felt familiar.
A couple sitting at the table next to him laughed. Desmond glanced over. The woman had a yellow flower pinned in her wavy blonde hair. The man was telling her a story and his dimpled grin became more pronounced every time he made her laugh. Desmond smiled to himself.
“How are you feeling?” Desmond looked up to find Penny in a simple black v-neck sweater and jeans. Her hair was down. She looked gorgeous.
“I’m wonderful,” he smiled.
Comments appreciated!