a glimpse into the past

Mar 22, 2004 16:41

well i was sittin at home being bored n all on sat b/c amanda left at like 3 somethin so i was alone once more..yeah i was bored n lonely evne though my mom n everyone as here. n then at like 5:45 i got a call from jekka to goto the mall n so i went n it was okay but i dont like goin to the mall on saturdays not at night anyways...ill explain someother time. we walked around for a while n then ate subway n i forgot what i liked on my sandwich that i got n well i didnt get it right so it tasted like crapolas! n then we left thank god n i stayed over there n we attempted to play trivial pursuit but we werent feelin very smart or awake so we decided to get some sleep. in the mornin we went to bob evans for breakfast at lunch time b/c we are lazyful ppl and found a new use for biscuits i would explain but u just had to be there. then we got home n read out on the back porch b/c it was such a beautimous day n then just chilled n i stayed again so it was a fun weekend and today was an alright day in first we watched some stupid play which mrs daughtrey claimed was funny...haha well it definately wasnt so blah! n in band we played just like any other day n stiles is all huffy n puffy b/c festival is thurday. n in geometry well we took notes n did the note quiz n then homework stuff so it was borin. n in biology we had a test which i more than likely failed but we got to watch whalens class do their music project thingys n im so glad i dont have to do that b/c its frickin embarrasing lookin. but anyways thats about it ni gotta do my homework so cya
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