Jun 23, 2004 11:49
last night was the awsomeist ever. indeed it was. there was a jazz concert downtown, and i went to cara's home, and nick wasn't hyome but i said hi to his parents. we danced. in the street. i love christina. i so love sky. it was awsome. and chad and i weren't so bad. it was oh so nice indeed.
the best part! holy crap! the boys who are always walking around when i am, but we never say hi, were at bristol house. so they were looking as rina and i walked by, so i blew them a kiss. and later i went and sat by the window and made them a card. and he so loved it. the boy with the crazy hair so loved it. it was lovely.
chad, me, rina, sky, and tom all went to willabies and played pool. ok, so i watched. but w/e. it rocked indeed. and i was wicked late. like an hour. and little tiff....what the fuck! dont take m,e the fucking lohng way when i have to be home now. im already late and your taking a god damned stroll. what is that about?!??!! forget alcohol on my breath you dough, if im home at one im fucked any way. w.t.f.
mel bel called me this monin. i love her so freakin much. and i so wish i could be there with her right now. cuz they all left my babe...and that dog who needs love. i could dispense love to her and my puppy. aw. yea. im going to think about hugging her right now........mmmmmmm.....wasn't that worth it?
is this wrong to say? no. im horny. and lonley. and not looking for....im looking for something new. something to change my mind. some excitment. who isn't? yes.
nicole! where are you man!?!?! ok....so nicole's coming with me to south carolina, and we're going to have the best....BEST time. and now its around the.....we're leaving on the 24th and coming bacjk the 2nd. of august. how awsome. and my brother mgiht fly back with us. rock on.
gordon worries too much. who knew this is what its like to have a parent. holy crap. maybe 16 is a bad time to introduce a parental unit. yea. maybe.
job. i hope i got the job at the daily scoop. with steph. hehe!
i miss gary. say nothing. if anyone, anywhere ahs a negative comment. i beg you now. read on or dont. say nothing. i dont want to listen about this topic. andi have a feeling that negative vibes live. ewwww. see no evil. hear no evil. speak no evil.