May 12, 2007 03:12
Hey, it's Crittle once again. It's been awhile, huh? Well...things haven't turned out the way I planned them too. I unfortunately haven't had the money to buy Kana's body yet, and my lovely boyfriend *glare* who keeps promising me that oh he'll get it for me by this date, he'll get it for me by that date and so on....still hasn't gotten it for me. I didn't want to purchase Little Dean without getting Kana a body first of course, so I've waited and waited...and now they stopped making the model I was gonna have Little Dean be!! So...there...won't be a Little Dean, unfortunately. I'm very very sad. :c
Also, I've deleted Kana's last post. Since I won't be able to get a Little Dean anymore...her backstory is, won't really work anymore. Kana will be getting a whole new backstory. And I've pretty much gotten it together I think. I'll post about it later.
Sorry to have disappeared on ya, and sorry to have to change things around on ya. I'll be using my tax refund to get Kana's body myself (since ya can't depend on your boyfriends! *glare again*)'s just a matter of it getting here and me ordering it and...waiting for it to come. I'll let ya know when I order it! And stay tuned for Kana's new backstory! I have my eyes on another doll too.....*giggles* Later!