[Public text; filtered away from Sexby; strikes unreadable]
As I'm sure most of you are aware, Edward Sexby has returned to the Barge from an earlier point of his life, or an alternate timeline, as an Inmate. To the best of my knowledge he has been armed with a dagger. I don't know the extent to which he will be impulsively violent, but I would like to advise that everyone exercise caution around him until this matter has been resolved. And try to avoid getting yourselves injured in random acts of vigilantism. Rinzler.
[Edited immediately after
this post went up:] As an update, Sexby has been disarmed and the issue is in the hands of the relevant people.
[Warden Filter, voice]
Someone needs to apprehend him. Possibly two someones, for safety's sake. I'd volunteer myself, but I can't walk properly at the moment.
[A pause, then she adds:]
He isn't the person we knew. We can't trust him to keep a weapon to himself or use it responsibly. If someone gets hurt or killed because of something that was discussed explicitly on a public filter, we all take responsibility for that.
[OOC: Backdated to this morning, while
this log is in progress. Having discussed with Ang and Kim and in order not to cockblock anyone's plotting, anyone going to track down Sexby won't find him until just after Costigan gets stabbed.]