(no subject)

Aug 10, 2006 16:41

I'm home! and it feels so good, you have no idea how relieved i am to be on vacation and not think about work or school or really much of anything besides joel for the next three weeks.

the ride wasn't too bad- a little warm and humid but i made really good time...ironic thing is, i was going about 85/90 mph at one point and nobody stopped me or pulled me over, but then when i got into greendale and was going down that damn hill by the tennis courts, i get pulled over for doing 50 in a 40. the guy was a jackass and i couldn't get my license out of the window in my wallet, so i had to rip my wallet, and he's like, "well don't BREAK it" and i wanted to say a big FUCK YOU but didn't, instead i cried. i was literally 3 miles from home, i was sweaty, i was tired, still a little hungover, and for fucks sake i didn't want to be pulled over (in the Sentry parking lot, no less, by the time he got behind me) when i was so close to home i could smell it.

but he let me off with a smart remark ("i'm going to let you go, you'll need that money to buy yourself a new wallet") as if it was some FAVOR he was doing me, fucking cop. greendale cops = suck.

::sigh:: but now i'm going to go lie in the hammock and nap and read until joel is done with work and we can snuggle to our little heart's content.
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