Jan 23, 2005 01:15
I havent updated in a while, but for some reason I didnt feel the need to.
Things have been the same. Plainly and unfortunately the same. School's still a total drag, as is this town, but i've definately talked about that way too much in past entries so I won't even bother this time.
Today I had to wake up at 7:45 to take the SAT's. Yeah, i'll admit, they were damn hard. Althought there were quite a few that I felt confident in answering, so hopefully my scores wont be TOO dissapointing for a first time SAT. I'm sure i'll take them at least once more before my high school career is over. Hey, if thats what it takes to get out of this state, i'm all for it.
Things have been going good with this guy i've been seeing. I do have a lot of fun with him, and we get along really well. I'm just trying to let things take their course. I hate rushing things, and I don't want to scare him off. If things work, great, if not, thats fine too..i'll know that the reason for it not working wasnt the annoyance of me wanting something serious too soon.
Oh, I dyed my hair black. I'm not sure if I like it yet...I see it in some ways and I love it, but then I take a second look and I want my lighter hair back. Oh well, it's good to experiment with new colors, and plus even though I got it professionaly done, its temporary, bound to last a month or so. Maybe i'll take pictures sometime...maybe not.
Andrea's been getting on my nerves a lot lately. Her constant need for attention has me running for the door. I hate the way she's always bragging that she taked "meds" for her ADD. I seriously don't even think she has ADD. I just think she's full of shit.
Plus she's getting into all these fights with Regine because Andrea made out with Regine's boyfriend. Andrea even lied that she was "stoned" off her "meds" which in turn made her make out with Regine's boyfriend. And see THAT my friends, is the dumbest shit i've ever heard.
Don't get me wrong, I love Andrea, but seriously, she needs to stop this shit and calm down. She's getting out of hand and it needs to end.
Tonight I went out to dinner with Loren, Matt and Sara. I had fun. we went to Cafe Ajijic across the line, then later hung out at Loren's house. Sara's so pretty, i hope me and her can become better friends.
Well I think i'm done for now. Tomorrow I have church and work.
The guy i'm seeing is gonna work out at the gym while i'm working. I hope you caught my vibe ;)
Later lovers.