Four hours of spending half the time lucid dreaming and the other half lying awake, waiting to be lucid dreaming does not count as sleep. But I've been unable to nap for no apparent reason. Waiting for sleep to punch me in the face. At least I wrote a poem.
Still looking for a job. Being picky so that I can keep the job for once. Not settling. Applied at Border's online today, will try Trader Joes as well.
Went to Fern Gully last night. Raving is amazing. Mmmmmm. Meet up with Russ, Jessie, and Annie. Surprise friends! Yay! Unfortunately I decided not to make kandi because I'm running low on funds at the moment. Oh well. Also, Max is the most fun person to dance with evar. We were acting silly on the dance floor and bopping around. I'd attempt a shimmy and he'd thump his fist against his heart all pretending to be overwhelmed by my sexiness. (For those of you who don't know, I cannot dance, I have no rhythm) . I had my hair hawked, my goggles on. I attracted some attention and compliments. I've never really thought of myself as brave but when I have hawked hair or a shaved head other women call me brave. I kinda want a chelsea hair cut, but I'm still undecided on hair.
If you haven't heard Handlebars by Flobots, I highly recommend it.
Zomg. So good. Heard it on the radio on the way up to SF for Fern Gully.
Classes are... going okay. I've missed a lot. There's a strike starting Monday and so I have to hike my ass up to campus early to catch one of the infrequent buses. My politics class is meeting in the park so as to not cross the picket line. I think that's super awesome of my prof.
I want a vespa.
But for now, I'll settle for ice cream.