Nov 13, 2005 15:01
So I think I might actually write a long entry for the first time in.. how long? Seems like forever. Life kinda just seems to drag by anymore, but at the same time I look back and times flying. I don't know where its all gone to. I don't know where I've gone to. I don't feel like Im the same person I used to be. Im a little more laid back, maybe its cause I've just experienced SO much that nothing phases me anymore. Life is nothing more then waking up and going to classes, working,studying, and eating. The only things I look forward to are frisbee practice and tourneys, and talking to my friends back home. I've never missed anyone so much in my life. I don't just miss on person though, I miss what feels like a million people, I miss my friends from back home. The saddness that comes from missing everyone is clouding my head. I can't think straight. I wish there was a pill or a drink that could just ease it all till I get back home next weekend. The anticipation is killing me.
Why is it that everything I write always seems so depressing? Maybe I'm depressed. Depression, its not something I think about often. Sneeks up on me when I least expect it, slips out through my mouth and fingers. You can see it in my eyes when I cry. Its not always, feels like almost never. Lately its been more then the regular. I'll blame it on the fact that I miss my family. I know its more then that. I wish I could fix it. Cut it out of my inside where it hides and be rid of it for good. I should stop now while I am ahead.