back_words ^^^Join! I'm a rater, there is an age limit... but its an awesome place!
Lifes a bitch... i think ive said this before... In fact, im sure of it. I have finals tomorrow, and i had my 1st chinese final today. I passed... barely... the first part (there are 2 parts, 2 paragraphs each) i flew pass with ease... the second... the teacher in a nut shell, read it for us... but hey... what ever
I have a math final tomorrow... i have to get 40 of the 50 question right to get a "B" in the class... fun stuff... i studied for 2 hours and listen to jamisonparker, eisley and straylight run... they are great for studing to... really, i mean it... i love all three of those bands
Well, not all is lost for my MD player... i looked online, and there is a place down the street that maybe able to fix it... the down side, i have no money, so the waiting time almost makes it not worth it... i mean im going to get an Ipod for my b-day, so ill live with my cd player... even thought i hate it so....
my mom is bitching about my grades again... and its freaking me out... i mean in middle school she didnt give a rats ass... and i did very well... the only time i got i c was in 6th grade in pe... other than that i always had A's and B's... so now i have 2 C's (maybe one, because the other is in chinese and the final is 20% and it will raise to an A after the last final... so its all good) and shes fucking freaking out. One fucking C isnt that bad... its not like there all fucking C's.. WTBH mom? I know you want me to go to a good college, and so the fuck do i, but one C isnt going to kill me. Geez... i cant believe mow much shes freaking out. She like checks my grades everyday (yes... online grades.. the curse....) and yells at me when i get in the car and on the way from school... god... only 3 years... good bye LBC, hello NYC, Chicago, San Diego... ANYWHERE BUT FUCKING HERE!
Well, i had 2 ditzy moments today.... number one- on the way up the blecjher stairs, i fell down on the stair and have a bruise (im really happy about that tho... i NEVER burise... now i have 3... i know im weird...) and number two- we blew a fuse at my house, so i had to run outside and turn on the power, so on the way back, i was running, and i fell down, hit my head on the gate, and scrape my knee (i couldnt even move it... it hurt so bad) and my hand (it still burns like a mother fucker)... OH YEA! I AM THE DITZ QUEEN! NO ONE IS DITZER THAN ME!
Well, tomorrow should be fun... early day all week... and finals... OH BOY! not...