100 Things

May 01, 2012 08:43

So! Proper blogging. Not something I've done a whole lot of over here on my fandom journal... and I've been sorely neglecting my personal journal as well. I first came across the 100 Things Challenge when quickreaver decided to do it, and now that kat_of_rafters has started hers... clearly, I need to get on the bandwagon!

I think I'm going to do two sets, one for each journal. The non-fandom version will be "100 Things I've Learned at 24," and since today is my 24th birthday (yay!), I thought today would be a good day to start. I need to do some housekeeping over on my personal journal (which it's due for anyway; I go through every year or two and lock down old entries), but then I'll post links to the 100 Things as they happen over there. It seemed like a good way to keep things separate but still give fandom folks a chance to read it if they want. :-)

The fandom version is going to be "100 Things I Love About Fandom." Broad, yes, but I think it will work for my purposes. That one, of course, will be over here.

I'm not sure how long this will take, but I already have several ideas for both. I'm excited!

p.s. Fear not: I'm also writing fic. Idumea stands at 4,000 words, about 1,000 of those in Part II of III. I need to rewatch the end of S1/the beginning of S2 before I can go a whole lot further, but that should be happening soon. I'm in the middle of finals right now, but after that, things should start moving along.

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}
Feel free to join! I'd love to hear what you have to say. ^_^

100 things i love about fandom, 100 things i've learned at 24, 100 things

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