hc_bigbang •
hc_bigbang •
hc_bigbang •
I'm guessing that everyone on my (rather short) flist has seen this already, but to add to the excitement: Multi-fandom h/c! What could be better?
Well, funny you should mention it: The big reveal will be on May 1, 2012, aka my 24th birthday. A fantastic present if I ever heard of one. :-)
Who knows, maybe someday in the future (for example, once I've broken 5,000 words and/or written more than 3 proper bits of fanfic), the idea of participating in a big bang will excite/motivate rather than terrify me. In the meantime, I can't wait to enjoy all the amazing h/c goodness that is going to come out of this!
And while I'm at it, two fever memes to promote:
he's a fever: a feverish!Dean comment-fic meme, and
RUNNING HOT: A Multi-Fandom Fever Fic Comment fic meme. I haven't seen anything new go up at the latter recently, but it's still worth checking out, and the former is ticking right along. See you there!