Okay so, I'm making wands now...I'm probably going to try selling a few. The green one is for sale but the blue one isn't. Not all of them will be painted all the way round. Some of them won't be painted at all. However, I can do any of the house colors upon request. A commissioned piece would, of course, run about $5-10 higher than a pre-made one. Anyway, here are the two that I have pictures of so far. With more on the way. And of course, I'm going to try to get some better quality pictures as I'm aware these camera phone pictures don't do the wands justice.
A Slytherin Special, the Basilisk core wand with real snake skin core.
*Don't worry, no snakes were harmed in the making of this wand. I promise.
I'm thinking maybe $25 for this one. OBO of course.
This one doesn't have a core.