Title: This Can't Be It
hopehavikk Pairing: Eventual Bob/Frank, Slight Mikey/Gerard
Rating: PG-13
POV: Mikey's
"The life we’re living is made up of nightmares; literally the nightmares I used to have when I was kid. Maybe not dead on, but sure as hell close enough."
Disclaimer: This for sure isn't real, and I don't own any of the characters...maybe except for the zombie ones.
Author Notes: Yeah, so...sorry it took so long and shit. Computer fucked up, then I had to install a whole bunch of stuff when I fixed it. I'm sorry about the wait. But, yeah. Chapter Two of Zombie Story.(:
x_mychem_rock_x Warnings: Slight incest? Not much though, just a peck on the lips.
Previous Chapters:
Outbreak After the surprise of the situation had passed, the utter disbelief came. I mean, honestly; what the fuck?
How in the hell is all of this happening? That’s really the only thing left now, questions. Answers aren’t there for us.
Things have gone from us touring in our shitty little van, enjoying our small town fame and hoping with everything inside of us that we were going to get somewhere with this, to us riding around in our shitty little van, avoiding any highways or main cities and hoping with everything inside of us that we're going to make it out alive.
The life we’re living is made up of nightmares; literally the nightmares I used to have when I was kid. Maybe not dead on, but sure as hell close enough.
Sleep was pretty much a fantasy at that point. At least for me, I’m not really so sure what the others felt about that.
Looking out of the window I saw more of them, the fucking vile things that I like to refer to as zombies, walking around and took in a sharp breath. At that, I felt my brother squeeze my shoulder gently and rest his head upon my own. Sighing, I snuggled myself closer to him, fitting my head into the crook of his neck. His fingers brushed softly through my hair at a calming pace and I sighed deeply, fitting my legs over his.
Feeling his head dip, I heard him whisper lightly into my ear, “Why haven’t you been sleeping lately, Mikes?”. I bit my lip and shook my head, sitting up so I could see him properly. “I just….I can’t sleep. Every time I close my eyes Gee; all I can see are, are those fucking disgusting things eating you, or Frank, or Ray, or Bob. I just, I don’t; I can’t lose them, and I especially can’t lose you. If I lose you Gee, I really don't know what the fuck I’ll do.” Closing my eyes towards the end, I leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips.
Resting his forehead against mine, Gerard smiled and shook his head, “Mikey, there is no way in hell that you’re gonna lose me. I won’t let myself die, and more importantly; I won’t let you die. We’re gonna get through this shit, all of us.”
I smiled and snuggled back into him, wrapping my arms around his waist. Closing my eyes, I fit my face back into the crook of his neck.
“Hey, you guys! Wake up time! Get up, mutha fucka’s!” I shook my head upon waking and looked out the window to see we were stopped at a convenience store. Blinking profusely, I shook Gerard out of his slumber.
“’Kay, so, here’s there list: Me and Frank on lookout duty, Mikey on food, drinks and basic necessities, Gerard on gas and weapons and Ray, you watch their backs. If you see a zombie try going for the quiet kill before you use a gun. Everyone got it? 'Cause we need to be quick, there seems to be more and more of them every time we do this shit,” Bob called out the instructions as he was throwing each of us a gun, extra ammo and a knife.
Everyone called out ready, I leaned over and planted a quick kiss on Gerard’s cheek, Ray slid open the door and we all ran towards the large convenient store.