Oct 23, 2005 23:31
I'm not going to lie anymore. I don't like it here in Tucson. I want to come home. I'm not happy here. When people ask me how's school, my reply is always, "it's great." But i'm dying! I can't take it anymore. This past weekend was one of the best weekends i've had in a long time and now that i'm back here, i just want to die. I really dislike it here. I'm not happy and i'm just letting everyone know. I'm thinking of transfering to ASU next semeter. That's how unhappy i am here. I like living on my own but i just can't do it anymore. This was my biggest fear, and i wasn't ready for this. I didn't prepare myself for it. I just should have stayed at home in the first place. I'm going to talk to my dad and see what he says but really do want to come home and stay there. I was not ready for such a big change. I was just getting my life back on track and i messed it up again and now it'll take a long time to get it back together again. And i'm not making this decision out of what has happened in the past few weeks, but i've been thinking about it for a while. This is what i believe is right. Maybe someday i will move out on my own and i'll have better luck, but for now i'm going to try my hardest to come home, where i belong.