Sep 06, 2005 13:39

It has been a long ass time since I have updated this thing.

Me and Travis have our own place now, and we both are going to BFA I get enrolled and start either thursday or friday.

We live with these 2 chill ass people Jenn and Travis W. Its awesome we have had some crazy ass nights, me asking if there is such a thing as a two bag and her almost ducktaping herself to the air conditioner. CRAZY how dumb we both really are, but she's awesome shit. We both also lose things and make the travis's look for them for like an hour and then we find them and they are almost ALWAYS underneath our legs or something.

Cassandra - u have to come to my new place its right in st albans.

I still "live" with my mom though. Life is good now that me and Travis are back together. We have broken up like 6 times but we always get back together. He woke me up at 2 in the morning and asked me if he got me a ring if i would get engaged to him. So now me and him are gonna get engaged but he wants to ask me when i am least expecting it.

I love Travis more than anything else in this world, I have been getting mad at him over stupid shit recently and I need to stop with that, because if I ever lost him permenently I would seriously shoot myself in the head./ He is drop dead gorgeous and he thinks I am to, which I am not. I seriously thank god I am out of shit school of Enosburg. I seriously wish that 95% of the people there would fucking die. They are all worthless and they are all big pieces of shit. WORTHLESS> but Becca and everyone else, I am NOT ignoring you! I love you I just havent been on in forever.
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